What’s The Best Way To Potty Train My Toddler?

Posted: 17 September 2020 |General Information

If there was a perfect manual for potty training toddlers, it would perpetually be sold out. Unfortunately, there is no fool-proof, perfect way to potty train your toddler, but there are several things you can do to make the transition easier for everyone involved.

Don’t push. Wait until your child is ready.

It can be very tempting to push your toddler to ditch the diapers and hop on the potty, but if you push too hard, you may end up regretting it later. Many kids aren’t ready to start potty training before the age of one and some aren’t ready until well after they turn three. The most important thing to remember is that every child will be potty trained in his or her own time. Just watch for the signs that your little one is ready, such as fewer diapers, regular bowel movements, and a dislike for dirty diapers. If your child verbalizes that he or she is ready, it’s time to bring out the big guns!

Help your child transition with small steps.

Before you choose to forego diapers entirely, remember that potty training is a process. All the best toddler advice forums are full of ways to bridge the transition from diapers to potty, but most parents recommend taking it slow by introducing the potty in a fun and positive way. You can do this by purchasing a cool new kid-sized potty that flushes or with a simple potty seat insert that attaches to the “adult” potty. You can also demonstrate how to use the potty if you feel comfortable with that. Just bring your little one along the next time you take a trip to the bathroom. Toddlers love to imitate so this is often the best way to show your tot how to get things done.

Provide motivation.

Once you’ve made the transition to pull-ups or just a bare bottom, providing an incentive like stickers or chocolate chips can help a toddler stay motivated to get to the potty when it’s time to go. After a while, you won’t need to provide external motivators anymore and your little one will be happy to run to the potty whenever necessary.

Don’t scold or punish for accidents.

We’ve all heard of potty training marathons where parents successfully potty train a toddler in a single weekend, but this is not the norm for most kids. Often, it takes weeks for toddlers to master the art of using the potty. So be patient and never scold, punish, or shame your child for having an accident. No one likes cleaning up puddles of pee but it’s all a part of the process.

Check Out a Toddler Advice Forum for More Insider Tips

As mentioned above, the best place to find tips and tricks for even the most difficult potty training experiences are in a reputable toddler advice forum. Most parents deal with potty training struggles at some point and have a wealth of knowledge to share. So don’t be shy! Ask questions, get answers, and don’t forget to enjoy the process.

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