How To Calculate Your Pregnancy Due Date

Posted: 19 September 2020 |General Information

If you recently found out you’re pregnant, congratulations! Once the initial shock and excitement have worn off, you’ll probably want to know when your baby will be due. While calculating your due date isn’t an exact science, there are several ways you can get a general idea of when your baby will be born.

1. Manually calculate it.

You can easily calculate your pregnancy due date by following these steps in order: 

  • Determine the day of your last menstrual period.
  • Count back three calendar months from that date.
  • Add one year and seven days to that date.

2. Use a due date calculator.

Many reputable organizations also offer online due date calculators. These calculators don’t ask for any sensitive personal information. They just require you to provide details like the first day of your last menstrual period and the average length of your cycles so you can instantly see your estimated due date. The American Pregnancy Association offers a free due date calculator on its website.

3. Use a pregnancy wheel.

Most doctors use a pregnancy wheel to determine when your baby is likely to be born and it’s very easy to calculate your due date at home this way too. Simply locate a pregnancy wheel online from a trusted source and input the first day of your last period. It will calculate the probable due date for you.

Regardless of which method you use to calculate your pregnancy due date, know that your due date is just an estimation. Rarely, a baby is actually born on his or her due date, although it does happen! All in all, just try not to get too attached to the date, because it will most likely change!

Find a Pregnancy Forum to Connect With Other Mothers In the Same Stage of Pregnancy

Once you calculate your due date, one fun way to connect with other mothers-to-be is to join a pregnancy forum full of other moms who share your same birth month. This is a great way to make pregnant friends and stay in touch with them as you reach the same pregnancy milestones together. Of course, joining any other type of pregnancy forum also has lots of perks and will give you access to amazing insight, tips, and tricks to make the most of your time pregnant as you prepare to meet your little one.


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