Who We Are

We Are the World’s Only Encyclopedia of Student Information

You can call us the only survival guide you’ll ever need when you’re in college. The Student’s Forum is a place for students to e-meet, a platform where they can listen and be heard; a portal where they can post about anything that matters to them and spark a discussion.

This is where young minds meet and brainstorm solutions to the commonest (and some not so common) problems that student’s face.

A Place to Be YOU

The Student’s Forum is a no-hesitation zone. So you can ask or post anything you want, anything under the sun and invite others to join in the fun. From the best laptops to buy this holiday season to the healthiest foods you should eat, from exercising tips to how to crack that assignment, from Donald Trump’s victory to the latest social media gossip — this is your forum to the core.

You Ask, And You Answer

Got queries? Why not share them with students from the all over the world and see what they have to say? You can ask any question that comes to your mind and get prompt answers from other students just like you. You can even create polls and gauge the popular opinion. What’s more, here you ask and you answer. Show off expertise and knowledge by problem-solving student issues and get some insights into your own problems by sharing them. Anyone can ask and anyone can answer.

Know Everyone Better Than Before

The Student’s Forum aims to connect students from one corner of the world to the other. Build your close-knit community with like-minded people across the world.

Know the way different people think and get the opportunity to understand them better through their views, opinions and thoughts. This is your platform learn, grow and connect with people you never thought you could before.